Londie London recently gave birth: If you see her recent pictures

Being pregnant is a beautiful thing, the thought of carrying a human being inside you.

Not everyone has the opportunity to become a mother, Londie Londis an influencer and a businesswoman, anyone that follows her on social media knows that she is all about eating healthy, and exercise and always looking good.

She and her finance Hlubi Nkosi has just had their firstborn together, and we all know that after having a baby most mothers go through postpartum stress because they feel overwhelmed.

Although it can be cured with a proper prescription you will be back to yourself in no time.

Londie just became more fashionable after giving birth she is always out with her little anyone who can tell that she enjoys being a mother.

I have shared some of her pictures after and before she gave birth, so you can see that she is representing the new mothers.