Sbahle Mzizi’s mother left her fans stunned with her recent picture, rocking purple outfit. Ntando Duma is the South African media personality now acting on the Queen. She made a name for herself after presenting for etv sisterhood, because of her fan base she was lately invited to join Rhythm City where she acted for years and later joined the Queen, unfortunately people where not impressed with her acting skills and they started saying she must leave the show.
The South African actress considered the best mother among other celebrities, her fans have praised her parenting skills to her one daughter Sbahle.
Ntando is recently slaying to a point that people would ask her baby daddy if he can see how beautiful the actress is?. She posted pictures on her Instagram looking absolutely beautiful, she did a new hairstyle and her make up is absolutely on point which made her look even more beautiful. Please Share your opinion in the comment section.