Messages Are Pouring In For Actress Sindi Dlathu

Of Course This Is After Their Performance that They Did As a Studio, This of Course Insprired By The Public Holiday June16 when They Did The Sarafina Dance Challenge.

The Challenge was actually Started By Another Studio, The Imbewu Studio, where Leleti Khumalo Decided To Start The Sarafina Dance Challenge, of Which Sindi Dlathu And Tshedza Pictures responded With Their own.

Many People Where really Much Pleased And Impressed By Sindi Dlathu That They Even Decided to Send Heartwhelming Masseges To Sindi Dlathu And The Tshedza Pictures Studio.

Not Many People Participated in The #sarafinachallenge, But For some Of Those Who Where actually Part Of Cast That where Actually Part Of The Cast did Try and People Loved it.

Messages are Still Pouring In For Sindi Dlathu And The studio She works in, as Their Perfomance For The Sarafina Challenge Left Many People Impressed.