Drake picture sparks new cool haircut

Aubrey Drake Graham most commonly popular known as Drake is an internationally acclaimed, highly respected and influencial rapper, singer, producer, actor, entrepreneur and songwriter.

One of his latest pictures has taken the barber industry by storm as a result of Drake’s influence. Since so many fans and people look up to him, they follow what he does over various social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

On this particular picture as depicted, Drake has cut his hair in a unique fade fashion. However, his fade differs from many because it has another cut towards the forehead. This cut is a shape of a heart.

We all know that this shape resembles love and affection. This is the exact reaction that the picture has sparked globally as many people fell in love.

Many people can be seen making this unique cut and also turning it into their own unique way by making it slightly different from the one Drake made but it still portrays the exact same message and affection.