he family of Mahlubi Kraai has announced that the actor hS passed away last night in Rustenburg. Kraai began his television career in 2000. He has since acted on numerous TV productions Including including Ke Nako, Generation, Isiding, Gauteng Maboneng.
Mahlubi’s death was announced on different social media platforms. The cause of the death is currently unknown. Mahlubi was born in Mahikeng and, died at the age 47.
Across social media users’ timelines are statements that show respect, admiration, and gratitude towards Kraai as people mourn the passing
Kraai studied for a National Diploma in Drama at Technikon Pretoria from 1995-1997 although he was involved in theater production. He was also multilingual. He was able to speak in Setswana, English, Zulu, North Sotho and Afrikaans.
Mahlubi’s death has caused a lot friends and family of Kraai some pain. May his Soul rest rest in peace.