Heartbreaking news about Rhythm City Actress Mapula Mafole

Heartbreaking news about Rhythm City Actress Mapula Mafole Rhythm City, took the watchers as well as their cast individuals by astonishment. What appeared to have gotten going as gossip has now at long last occurred, and tragically there were a couple of entertainers and entertainers who were not prepared for the life after it. One of their previous entertainers, Mmapula Mafole broadly known as “Mmapula from mood city” accepted the open door to give out a short meeting about existence after the show, and numerous South Africans were left in tears:…
“Waking for work… can’t believe RC days are coming to an end soon. It’s really been a journey of growth. I’ll always be grateful. Now I pray God opens new doors for me… so many great shows on SA tv I’ve been watching. So much talent!! I pray there’s a place for me,And I’m not in tears lol. I probably will be when we wrap though coz I enjoyed my work, but I’m not hopeless. My journey is only beginning”said mapula

“Definitely God will open big door my sister You very talented never doubt that You still have many characters to play”said a twitter follower