Simphiwe Moroka from Generations shows off her husband in latest pictures

Happy marriages are very important because couples in a happy, conflict-free marriage will feel lower levels of stress, meaning that they will benefit from lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, better sleep, greater resistance to illness and stronger mental health overall.

Asanda Foji, a darling on TV was born at Mount Elif in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. She is a celebrated and well known South African actress, an MC and a motivational speaker. Most know her as Simphiwe Moroka on SABC 1 soapie Generations: The Legacy. Asanda is a happily married woman who is definitely happy in her marriage. She doesn’t usually share pictures of her husband but currently she’s been gushing over him.

“This post is for My Prayer partner, the most humble, most sincere, most loving, grounded and cultured man I have ever ever met in my life. My very own husband!!! Today I’m just saying you are my life, you allow me to be myself in every way, you love me so unconditionally, you share my dreams with me, you were meant for me and I for you. Thank you Mthembu’ obomvu for loving your wife this much, I’m blessed beyond.”

This couple is one of the most beautiful and adorable one and we can’t get over Asanda Foji being this super happy with her life partner.