Boity parties with her mother. See more pictures

Boity Thulo is one of the multitalented people in the industry. She has figured out that she never wants to not live the life she is currently living. Hence she is making sure she secures multiple streams of income. She is a rapper, businesswoman, television presenter and actress.

Her rap career has taken Mzansi by storm, initially people thought she was goofing around. But her mad lyrics have proven otherwise. She has her own perfume and hair care range which she launched this year. She had just released an EP. This year is definitely her year. Her boss moves are untouchable.

She is an only child to her mother, hence she is close to her mother. These two salt and pray together. She posted a picture of them together having fun. Boity is even holding a hubbly on the other hand. We don’t blame her for partying with her mother. She’s beautiful and looks young after all.