Rest in peace Cosmo Diale

Find happiness in the hereafter Cosmo Diale


Source: Generation the heritage

That was awesome storyline it shows individuals’ every day lives and defilement that it’ll influence you more than you picked up from it

Zumba man won’t die.they are simply attempting to put out how awful it is when hooligans take doctors tht spares more pple.even your dear companions. Much the same as Gadaffi did.They are slaughtering Cosmo Character bcoz they wanna supplant him, presently who will deal with Lucy’s infant if Gogo Flo is now old Nkosi yami, you folks are not thinking plainly.

Serves him well, it might have been another person, prior to taking he will reconsider, I so don’t feel sorry

Find happiness in the hereafter Cosmo, if it’s not too much trouble reveal to Moses that he was the one in particular who had the option to see a consuming shrubbery, since he left nobody has said nothing regarding seeing that, even Nyaope young men can’t.

I love the way Lucy says “intwana sweet potato” I feel for Cosmo “However” he is one of individuals taking from emergency clinic now he needs assistance from similar medical clinics he took from ai futhi nje cut…

I think Gaddafi should’ve contributed something from the money he produced using selling the stuff. For what reason would he say he is so voracious? The person even went to the event