South African actress Simz Ngema has shared devastating news with her followers. The actress was left shattered after the death of her grandmother. Death is no news that anyone would want to hear especially if its their loved one who has passed on.
The newly mother was left heartbroken after the death of her beloved granny and of seems that she was really close to her late granny mother because she really isn’t taking the news well. Simpiwe shared the sad news this morning as she revealed that her grand mother had passed on this morning. The actress shared a vide of granny as she aanounced the sad news, and now she’s only left with memories of her.
The video Simz shared on Instagram if of her mother listening to gospel music, the video was followed by her own video singing a gospel song as she sang alon to the phindukhulume gospel song. The two videos were followed by a caption “Rest well Makhosazana. Thank you for saying goodbye. never seen my superman so defeated.”
Tiyani’s mother have been sharing sweet memories of video and pictures in memory of her grandmother. Its so sad that such tragedy had to knock on her door. On some of the pictures she shared you could see that the two had a really strong bond and she would assist her to walk. We send condolences to the Ngema family and may her soul rest in peace.
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