Here is the latest update on the stock girl

he five high school girls in Kwamhlanga are living their since they have been breaking the internet for the past few days. However one of the was the one who have been getting the most attention on all social media platforms.

What started as a birthday celebration for one of her friends ended up making her a celebrity overnight. According to social media users, Arianna was.the mastermind and she has been getting gigs for interviews since.

The young ladies also gained a huge following on social media for the past few days and they have been enjoying the moment of their fame. Yesterday they stocko girl made a live video on twitter allowing fans to ask any questions they want to know about them.

Its so wonderful to see young girls from poor background, getting to experience such fame. The girls are really enjoying the fame. Arianna will be interviewed this coming weekend on the 24th October by heita FM radio.