Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has been arrested for alleged money laundering.

The man who calls himself Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has been arrested for alleged money laundering. Some people are calling for his church to be closed. How do we manage religion and money.

Its nonsensical to say his church must be closed, deal with the Pastor and leave the church. We have a lot of people who depend on tha church. Leave the church alone.

The problem here is not Bushiri, the biggest problem is our people and their lack of financial education. We witnessed them boarding flights to Nigeria paying around R16k and some even died there. Closing the church is meaningless.

Bhushirians must not worry..the man is safe behind bars,the only thing they can do is to pray for him to get a good husband for protection.

Regulating religion won’t be easy because it falls in the same concept as trying to regulate religious practices. No one can afford to pass one bill that will regulate all religions in the country, unless if you’re telling me that every religion will have its regulations.

And I guess what Bushiri is being held accountable for has got nothing to do with religion.