Cape Town church provides meals for homeless during lockdown

As the nationwide Covid-19 lockdown continues, homeless people struggle more and more to find a decent daily meal.
As the nationwide Covid-19 lockdown continues, homeless people struggle more and more to find a decent daily meal.

The Glory Restoration Assembly church took it upon themselves to provide homeless people in Cape Town with a warm meal.

“There is so much going on now in South Africa with the pandemic and everybody is affected, not just people who are at home but also the homeless and I think this is the perfect time to show humanity and to show unity,” Sanelisiwe Igboanugo, Glory Restoration Assembly’s secretary, The church in partnership with the Haven Night Shelter and Pitso’s Kitchen recently came together to cook and serve meals to more than 300 homeless people.

“There’s over 300 people that are here today that we were able to feed and definitely this won’t be our last visit. We will come back and do more activities like this,” she said.