Cassper Nyovest’s wedding & lobola both costed ‘R37k’ in total. See more fresh details here

The recent wedding of Mzansi’s beloved rapper, Cassper Nyovest, to Pulane Mojaki has ignited a fervent debate within social circles, prompting speculation over whether the extravagant artist opted for a modest affair or merely a cost-effective celebrationWith tongues wagging and opinions divided, the event has become a topic of contention, with some even jesting that the entire affair could have been organized on a shoestring budget of “R37,000, including lobola.”The surprise nuptials left many fans bewildered, particularly given Cassper’s reputation for grandiosity, exemplified by his ostentatious displays of wealth through luxury cars, opulent mansions, and star-studded soirées. Critics wasted no time dissecting every aspect of the ceremony, from the invitations and program to the bridal attire, venue choice, and decor, all under the lens of what they perceived as a “low-budget” spectacle.





Notorious X provocateur Chris Excel couldn’t resist a dig, quipping, “Cassper Nyovest is a millionaire, but he spent R37K for a wedding, including lobola, to marry a baddie.” Others echoed similar sentiments, with some suggesting that the affair resembled more of a rehearsal than an actual wedding, prompting lighthearted jabs at Cassper’s expense.

Yet, amidst the chorus of skepticism, a contingent of supporters emerged, applauding the couple’s purportedly simplistic approach as intentional and perhaps even admirable. Tweets like “@Lee24819878: ‘The success of marriage has nothing to do with the size of the celebration’” and “@theHirohito: ‘These small weddings last forever’” underscored the sentiment that true love transcends the trappings of extravagance.@oscar_blaauw encapsulated this sentiment aptly, remarking, “I love the fact that regardless of the money and status, Cassper Nyovest and Pulane opted to have a simple wedding surrounded by both his and her family members rather than celebrities.”

Yet, amid the swirl of conjecture, some remain unconvinced of the wedding’s authenticity, speculating that it may serve as a savvy marketing ploy or even a set piece for a future music video. The air of mystery surrounding Cassper’s relationship with Pulane Mojaki only adds fuel to the speculation, with scant details available about their courtship timeline or the nature of their bond.

According to reports from TimesLive, Pulane is described as a childhood friend who shares roots with Cassper in Mahikeng. The publication even suggests that Pulane had previously relegated Cassper to the dreaded “friend zone” before giving him a second chance. However, the exact commencement of their romantic entanglement remains shrouded in ambiguity.Earlier revelations from Cassper himself, wherein he candidly discussed his struggles with “sex addiction” and the subsequent breakdown of his relationship with Thobeka Majozi, further complicate the narrative. His admission of having “created a serious mess” and causing immense pain to his former partner casts a shadow over his newfound marital bliss, leaving lingering questions about the authenticity of his newfound love story.

As whispers of doubt mingle with congratulatory messages, one thing remains clear: the enigmatic allure of Cassper Nyovest’s wedding continues to captivate audiences, leaving us to ponder whether this union is indeed the real deal or merely another chapter in the rapper’s elaborate saga of fame and fortune.