Penny Lebyane joins the conversation to say she also earns peanuts on radio.

Renowned radio personality Penny Lebyane has stepped forward to shed light on her salary struggles during her time at Metro FM, following in the footsteps of Penny Ntuli’s recent revelation about her pay at Gagasi FM.In a social media post, Lebyane disclosed her own surprising payslip, adding her voice to a growing chorus of personalities speaking out against exploitation in the industry.Ntuli sparked headlines when she disclosed that she had been offered a mere R2800 per month in her new contract, a figure significantly below industry standards. This amount left her unable to sustain her livelihood, especially considering her role as a popular presenter.







Expressing her gratitude to Gagasi FM while highlighting the inadequacy of her salary, Ntuli’s revelation drew attention to the challenges faced by radio talent in negotiating fair compensation.

Lebyane’s revelation comes amidst a wave of resignations from Gagasi FM, including notable figures like Khaya Dladla and Hope Mbele. These departures have raised questions about the treatment of radio hosts and presenters within the industry.Drawing from her own experiences, Lebyane revealed that even during her tenure at Metro FM from 1998 to 2010, her earnings were far below expectations. Despite her significant contributions to the station, she never earned more than 30k, a fraction of what her male counterparts were reportedly making.

Lebyane’s disclosure underscores broader issues of gender and wage disparity within the radio industry, as she joins others like former 947 breakfast show producer Simmi Areff in highlighting the challenges faced by radio professionals.
Actor, radio personality and Social media influencer Khaya Dladla has announced her resignation from Kea Zulu Natal regional station Gagasi 995.

Dladla joined the station in 2018 and after 6 years she is bidding farewell. Upon her arrival she was doing weekend breakfast radio than moved to weekday mornings and later ending up on drive show.

When asked about her departure, Khaya said

“It pains me that I’m leaving the station. The station I fell in love with for many years. The trajectory of my personal brand is no longer aligned with that of the station”