Coming Up Next On #HouseOfZwide 8 : 12 January 2024

Coming Up Next On #HouseOfZwide
Monday 8 January 2024
Episode 126


Shoki tries to calm Nkosi, but he doesn’t want Ona involved with Kopano. After Funani sings Ona’s praises, Nkosi goes to Kopano and begs to be part of the deal again, falling right into Kopano’s trap.
Tuesday 9 January 2024
Episode 127
Kopano gives Nkosi three days to come up with the money, so he emotionally blackmails Faith into speaking to Funani on his behalf. But Faith tells Funani that Nkosi is asking for a ridiculous amount.
Wednesday 10 January 2024
Episode 128
Funani confronts Nkosi about trying to use Faith to get his way and rejects the idea of giving Nkosi money. Nkosi contemplates stealing money from the House of Zwide company account.
Thursday 11 January 2024
Episode 129
Nkosi ends up embezzling funds from his father’s company after receiving encouragement from Kopano. Nkosi uses delaying tactics to ensure no-one at House of Zwide knows money is missing.
Friday 12 January 2024
Episode 130
Ona waits anxiously to hear news from the DTI and Molfe bites his tongue about what her father is up to. Later, Funani hands Ona a forged letter saying her DTI submission was accepted.