Mzansi is divided after a viral video of Police Minister Bheki Cele and an unknown woman being cozy emerges. The 35-second-long video shows the lady putting her arm around the minister before his hat falls to the ground. She then picks it up, puts it on his head, and hugs him from the side as she says, “I want this manCele quickly pulls away from her and says “no, no, no.” He then puts his arm over her shoulder as she rubs his potbelly and laughs.
The woman tells Cele “you said we should meet here” when he jokingly asks “where do they find people like you?”
Users on X (formerly Twitter) have expressed opposing their views with some claiming the minister was enjoying the attention, whilst others accuse the woman of sexual harassment.He’s enjoying this so much,” said one user.
Another X user commented: “Lmao they look like they know each other very well.”
“This two are in between ( means they know each other well). Fun and laughter,” another user said.Ay huns get away with a lot. Imagine casually sexually harassing an entire Minister of Police,” said another.
“This is sexual harassment but because the victim in this case is a man, people are just going to turn a blind eye,” another commented.
“His body language is saying he’s uncomfortable,” another user wrote.