A video of AKA’s daughter Kairo Forbes rehearsing with aunt Nadia Nakai for their Galaxy 947JoburgDay performance with the AKA Mega Band got people on social media talking. Kairo performed at the Galaxy 947 Joburg Day event. Kairo is being exploited, she’s being forced into entertainment & she’ll believe that’s her destiny and nothing else.
Lynn Forbes
Kairo didn’t say, “ I WANT to perform at Joburg Day” She said, “ I’m GOING TO perform at Joburg Day. I don’t want anyone to go on stage with me. I’m going to sing my daddy’s voice, by myself.” It sat well with her, She cried. She is very proud of herself. No one forced her.
Police have made a breakthrough in the AKA murder investigation by recovering & confirming the firearm that was used to kill AKA. They have identified getaway cars used in the crime, the killers are already behind bars for other crimes. Aka was survived by his only daughter Kairo Forbes and his parents Tony and Lynn Forbes.