Sad News on Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi this morning

In recent weeks, South Africa has been anxiously following the health status of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the esteemed founder of the Inkatha Freedom Party and Prime Minister of the Zulu Monarch. Today, we bring you the latest update on his condition.


Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi has been under the close supervision of his medical team at a hospital, and his health has been a matter of concern for the nation. Today, the Buthelezi family issued a statement, offering a glimmer of hope to well-wishers and supporters. They announced that the Prince’s health has shown signs of improvement, and there is an expectation that he will be discharged from the hospital next week.

This news comes as a mixed blessing, as today marks exactly one month since Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi was admitted to the hospital. While there were high hopes that he would return home in time to celebrate his 95th birthday, which falls on Sunday, August 27, 2023, it now seems that this will not be the case.

This unfortunate turn of events means that all preparations for his 95th birthday celebration must be canceled or postponed. The Prince’s supporters and well-wishers will have to wait until his release from the hospital to join him in commemorating this significant milestone in his life.

The nation continues to hold Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi in its thoughts and prayers, hoping for a swift and complete recovery. His contributions to the political landscape of South Africa and his enduring commitment to the betterment of his people are highly regarded, and his absence from the birthday celebration will be deeply felt.

As we await further updates on his health, the nation unites in sending Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi its warmest wishes for a speedy recovery and the hope that he will soon be back amongst his loved ones.
