Ndavi Nokeri bids farewell to Miss SA

Miss South Africa 2022 Mndavazi ‘Ndavi’ Nokeri’ s reign has come to an end following the recent Miss South Africa 2023 competitions which were held at the SunBet Arena at Time Square in Pretoria on Sunday, 13 August – the former Miss South Africa has since taken to her social media to share a few words of gratitude to those who have been with her in her journey.





Ndavi Nokeri’s successor, 26-year-old Natasha Joubert was crowned Miss South Africa 2023 over the past weekend and Nokeri has since shared an emotional farewell to Miss South Africa and Mzansi.

“Last year, I took a leap of faith, I left everything that was familiar to me, to follow my dreams of serving my beautiful country, South Africa. Every sacrifice has been worth it. We truly cannot say that we are moving forward as a nation, while half of the country gets left behind, and through Ed-Unite we have been able to bring up more people with us. My heart bursts with pride when I think of the lives that have been touched through it,” Nokeri said.The 24-year-old former Miss South Africa launched the Ed-Unite campaign in 2022 which aims to assist all young people with the opportunity to cultivate their talents, intelligence, and skills, despite their background, IOL reported.

“I want to say thank you to the Miss South Africa organization, for trusting me with this crown and the space to raise the South African flag up high. You’ve given me the opportunity to fully face my power,” she added.

Ndavi Nokeri took her time to appreciate her family and her support structure who have been with her throughout her entire journey leading up to Miss South Africa and noted that her story would not have been the same without them.

“To my parents and my siblings ni khensa rirhandzu ra nwina. Thank you for always believing in me. I live a life of courage because of you. [And] to my broader family, friends, and my amazing support structure, thank you for being my pillars. My story would be different without you. But most importantly, I want to thank God for his faithfulness through every step of my journey,’ the former beauty queen said.

“South Africa, thank you for opening up your arms to me and embracing me. Ndza Khensa🤍,” she concluded.