Journalist Exposes SA Actress Paid by Mnangagwa Friend To Lie To Mzansi

Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono recently took to Twitter to bring attention to a controversial incident involving South African TV actress Sonia Mbele. According to Chin’ono, Mbele was allegedly paid by a businessman with questionable intentions and close ties to President Mnangagwa to visit Zimbabwe and present a misleading portrayal of the country’s economic situation.


Chin’ono’s tweets accuse Mbele of spreading false information about Zimbabwe’s growth, while highlighting the grim realities faced by the country. He points out the high unemployment rate, lack of medical supplies in hospitals, absence of clean drinking water, and extreme inflation that characterizes Zimbabwe’s current state. Despite these challenges, Mbele purportedly claimed significant progress, which contradicts the experiences of millions of Zimbabweans, including those living as struggling migrants in South Africa.

Furthermore, the journalist criticizes Mbele for delivering her message from Zimbabwe State House, the official residence and office of President Mnangagwa, suggesting that her statements were politically influenced. He goes on to accuse her of being a “shameless mercenary” who prioritizes financial gain over acknowledging the dire conditions faced by Zimbabwean citizens, including the lack of vital medical equipment like radiotherapy cancer treatment machines.

The tweets shed light on the disconnect between Mbele’s portrayal of growth and the on-the-ground realities observed by Zimbabweans themselves. Chin’ono’s criticisms raise concerns about the integrity of media narratives and the ethical responsibility of public figures to convey accurate information, especially when it comes to sensitive topics such as a nation’s economic and social well-being.