Meet the brains behind Shaka Ilembe wardrobe

In its most memorable month, the television series Shaka Ilembe impacted the world forever by earning millions in evaluations. Famous style beautician Sheli Masondo is the outfit planner behind the series. Her notorious multi-decade profession incorporates claiming shop design studios and winning honors. In a meeting with ZiMoja, Masondo gave a few bits of knowledge into the preparation of the series closet – which obviously was great to such an extent that it procured her acknowledgment and is nearly essentially as significant as the actual plot.



She was born in Zola, Soweto, to a style originator mother, Masondo says she has forever been fixated on design. ” I concentrated on style plan however my enthusiasm for character-based plan weighed heavier than simply design subsequently my adoration for film and narrating won,” she said. Prior to joining the entertainment world, Masondo was running an effective style studio in midtown Jozi and she had a plenty of superstar clients like Blast Shaka, Siblings Of Harmony and Somizi. She is additionally the minds behind numerous music recordings during the 90s.

Masondo says her forward leap on television came in 2003 when she began working with a portion of the famous chiefs, for example, the late Teboho Mahlatsi and she won’t ever think back. ” My movie profession started off with styling television advertisements with top chiefs, for example, Mickey Dube, Thabo Morera at Speed SA and the astonishing Teboho Mahlatsi at Bomb Creations around 2003,” she says. In spite of the fact that she has a lot of chances to outfit plan for various Network programs, show series, and component films, Masondo says the feature of her vocation was styling the universally acclaimed vocalist entertainer Beyonce in Dark is Top dog film, which asked an honor for the best styling.


She lets ZiMoja know that 2019 was the feature of her vocation styling Beyonce and in this manner winning an honor. ” That will continuously be the greatest feature of my profession. Followed by fruitful outfit configuration projects like Snowfall season 6, Trackers, and How To Demolish Christmas establishment,” she says. Masondo expresses dealing with Shaka Ilembe involved two years of exploration, both computerized and physical. She says that cycle incorporated her venturing out to the most profound pieces of provincial KwaZulu Natal and historical centers to meet and notice elderly people ladies and men who have figured out how to save the Zulu culture.

She says she needed to remain in certain towns for quite a long time to completely comprehend the workmanship behind making a portion of her ensembles.” I needed to venture out to various pieces of country KZN to familiarize and enable myself, I needed to invest energy for certain elderly people ladies and men who have kept the Zulu legacy alive through the creating of amabheshu nezidwaba,” she says. As per Masondo, she was interested and entranced by the interaction and gained tons of useful knowledge about the rich Zulu culture. ” It was worth the effort on the grounds that the ability has been given from one age to another.