Meet Winnie Ntshaba and her latest beautiful pictures

Bawinile Ntshaba, often known as Winnie Ntshaba, was born on September 1, 1975. Even though Winnie Ntshaba’s body suggests otherwise, she is 43 years old as of today.

Most people would associate her with her roles in Isithembiso and The Herd, two of the most popular South African drama productions in which Winnie Ntshaba has appeared.






What most of them don’t realize is that the road to getting this far and gracing the screens was not easy. Her biography details the measures she took to get to where she is today.

Winnie Ntshaba’s professional life After completing her studies and graduating from university, the latter chose to work for the North West Arts Council between 1998 and 1999. While at the council, she had the incredible opportunity to be a part of the team that created Messiah, Who of a Man, and Urban Reality.