#SkeemSaam Fans Are Left Happy After Hearing This About The Return Of Leshole In #SkeemSaam

Tonight on #SkeemSaam we welcome our favourite actor. SkeemSaam fans and followers has been sending their Congratulations to Leshole Mabitsela for his return in SkeemSaam. Mzans could not be more happier than seenghim back in our screen.

The young Soldier’s return and it’s a celebration to all SkeemSaam fans and followers. SkeemSaam fans were left heartbroken after hearing that SkeemSaam actor known as Leshole is leaving. It’s a pity that Big Boy will not be here to witness his son’s success. May Big boy’s soul continue to rest in peace.

finally the mabitsela family has great news, finally Leshole is successful and all thanks to the writers for listening to fans when they raise their complaint. They should keep it that way, let Leshole enjoy his success without any interference. We can’t afford to see Leshole being poor again. Unfortunately no one can replace Big Boy, he was going to laugh at Mantuli especially now that Prettt is in big trouble. I just imagine him saying” you Mantuli your child is a spoiled brat, look at Leshole now”.




I’m sure Charlie is not happy about that compliment he wishing that could be son of him brother who made it.

Last night Mantuli and Meiki episode only showed us that nomatter the circumstances your neighbors should be friends not enemies coz at the end of the day you will need each other. Am just waiting to see Mantuli’s reaction when she hears that Meikie is the one who rushed her to the hospital. Meike is a true friend, she really is that kind of a friend whom everyone needs but it’s sad because we become friends with people who betray us the most.

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