5 Coldest Countries In Africa | See Where South Africa Is.

oldest Countries In Africa | See Where South Africa Is.

By Healthlord (self media writer) | 24 minutes ago

Who here knows which African countries experience the coldest winters? Since Africa is commonly thought to be abnormally warm, many people wonder if they will ever experience cold weather there. The explanation is that it depends on how the questioner defines “cold,” but it is true that there are places of Africa where it does become incredibly cold on a daily basis.







An example of such a place in Africa is Lesotho, which is mostly mountainous, has exceptionally cold winters, and receives significant snowfall. Centurion, South Africa, is quite cold, at least by local standards, and is located directly in the middle of Pretoria and Johannesburg.

Due to its location in the intertropical zone between the Capricorn and cancerous tropics, Africa often has a scorching temperature. Although the climate of the country as a whole may not be particularly chilly, a particular region or mountain within the country may be.


This mountain in Kenya has a temperature range of 10 to 20 degrees Celsius, and it has a landmass between 750 and 276 square kilometers. Five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine meters, or seventeen thousand fifty-seven feet, is the mountain’s highest point (5,199 M-17,057ft) (5,199 M-17,057ft).

Four thousand eight hundred fifty meters (4,850m), or fifteen thousand two hundred sixty feet, is the lowest point (15,250ft) (15,250ft). It is due of the mountain’s elevation that Mount Kenya is yet another location in Africa to experience snowfall. Visitors are unfazed by this because they can visit whenever they like. Snow and rain fall frequently from March to December, but there is rarely any wind.


This mountain has a landmass of 388500 ha, a temperature range of 29 degrees Celsius to 27 degrees Celsius (84.2 degrees Fahrenheit to 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and its highest point is 5,899 meters (5,899 m) and its lowest point is 4,05 meters (4,5 m) (4,005 m) (4,005 m).

Mount Kilimanjaro is colder than the rest of Africa because it receives both the equatorial trade winds and the high altitude trade. On the peak, temperatures can dip as low as -15 to -29 degrees Celsius (5 to -17 degrees Fahrenheit) (5 to -17 degrees Fahrenheit). Furthermore, it can become as hot as 21 or 27 degrees Celsius, and it can even snow at those temperatures in this part of the world.


South Africa’s temperature ranges from 16 to 40 degrees Celsius. The area of the land mass is 1,221,037 kilometers (471,445 square meters) (471,445 square meters). The highest point is 3,450 meters (4,450m) above sea level, while the lowest position is 0 meters above sea level. South Africa receives different degrees of humidity, coldness, and snowfall.

The average annual temperature drops to 16 degrees Celsius during the winter months. The latitude of the nation, which must be between 22 and 35 degrees south of the equator, determines the weather patterns that prevail there.

Number Two: MORocco

Temperatures in Morocco vary from 8 to 40 degrees Celsius, and its landmass is 7,108,000 square kilometers (710,850kmsq). There is a four thousand and one hundred sixty-five meter difference between the lowest and highest points, with a difference of only fifty-five meters at the lowest point (4,165m).

Morocco is the nearest African country to Europe. The nation’s climate can be categorized into alpine, semi-arid, Mediterranean, sub-Mediterranean, and continental zones. These distinct climates, which range in temperature, are found in diverse regions of Morocco.

Morocco’s climate is mostly impacted by the season when it is observed. The hottest season of year is during the summer.


Lesotho experiences temperatures from 18 to 28 degrees Celsius. The landmass measures thirty three hundred fifty-five square meters (30,355sqm), its highest point is three thousand four hundred eighty two meters (3,482m), and its lowest point is one thousand four hundred meters (1,400m) (1,400m).

A tiny nation next to South Africa is named Lesotho. It is a country having a total area of 30,355 square kilometers and a population of roughly 2.1 million, according to estimations.