3 finalists from the Big Brother Titans were seen at the OR Tambo yesterday heading home in Nigeria

3 finalists from Nigeria were headed home yesterday. They played their game and did very well. Ebubu, Kanaga Junior and Yvonne looked very happy after spending some time with the winner King Khosi and also attending a few interviews in South Africa. They are still going to receive more love from their Nigerian fans when they arrive home.


Yvonne was the only Nigerian woman who made it to the final. It’s really heartbreaking to see them leaving because they enjoyed a lot to be in South Africa, this country was their second home. Hopefully they will come back to work and meet their fans again.

They looked beautiful and not tired. Even got to spend extra days with Juicy Jay since they are dating. Will their relationship be stronger even if they are in different countries? Yvonne is wearing a blue tracksuit and looking good. Yvonne needs to come back again to visit Juicy Jay and enjoy their time as a couple.

South African fans will miss them on their television screens. Who knew that the show will end so soon. Ebubu is wearing orange clothes, some people thought he was in prison. Ebubu chose an orange outfit, they should advised him to wear better clothes because he looked like he is from prison. He needs to change his style because his fans want him to have more confidence and be able to stand up for himself. Ebubu does not have many fans he is loved everywhere he goes. He needs to advertise his profiles and all the skills has.