110 Year Old Granny Evicted from Her House Receives Bigger Help from Charity Foundation

To help a 110-year-old gogo who was forced to leave her house in Meadowlands, Soweto, the Collen Mashawana Foundation has stepped in. A new report from the group has been sent on their Twitter account.



“As reported by the Collen Mashawana Foundation, a 110-year-old woman named Gogo Kenaope Mosidi was recently forced to leave her home in Soweto. Reports state that a man posing as the new homeowner showed up at the residence and served the occupant with an eviction notice demanding her immediate departure within 30 days.

Also, one of Gogo Mosidi’s grandchildren reportedly sold the house to the man for R350 000. This case in particular piqued our interest because it involved the grief caused to a senior citizen who had no idea her property was being sold, and it took us back to the confirmed many residences that were being sold around the country without the knowledge of the owners.

We checked in with the family to have a better understanding of the situation because we are a foundation that gives special attention to the needs of the elderly. Gogo Mosidi was sent to the hospital for evaluation, and we can establish that social workers were involved.

The Foundation will check in with Gogo again next week to see how we can help with his tragic predicament. We care about the senior population and ask that people stop doing things that could make them feel uncomfortable or force them to move.

We look forward to continuing our dialogue with the family in the hopes of discovering more ways in which we may help, despite the fact that Gogo is now safe, the issue of quitting her dwelling can generate unnecessary physical and emotional challenges “.