110-year-old Gogo Is Left Homeless After Her Granddaughters Sold Her House

110-year-old Gogo Is Left Homeless After Her Granddaughters Sold Her HouseMzansi Is Left heartbroken after hearing about 110-year-old gogo who is now left homeless. It’s sad and painful to hear that her granddaughters want to sell the house which she is staying.

There is a picture of 110-year-old woman who will soon be left homeless. According to the source her granddaughters who lives in Orange Farm have sold the 110-year-old gogo house for amount of R350 000. The family said that they are going to fight for their grandmother’s house until they get it.

The buyer have sent the people to evict the old woman. In last week the streets were filled by community members who were doing campaign trying to protect the woman from being evicted from her own home by her a man who claim to have bought the house.


Apparently the family have not received the documents which proves that the house has been sold. Apparently the buyer was arrested and later was released. According to the source the family will receive feedback within 30 day and the house is currently closed.

The family is still left in shock as they don’t know how their grandmother’s house was sold. The granddaughters have not come out to speak on how the house sold without informing her. Apparently the man who bought the house said that he purchased the house from her granddaughter who sold the house with R350 000.

The house is now under investigation and the community members have promised to help the grandmother to get the justice she deserves.

What do you think of this granddaughters who want to left their granddaughters on the streets. Share your thoughts and views and don’t forget to like, share and comment for more latest updates.