πŸ’”10 Feb 2024 Divorce update! Mayeni just dumps Mseleku & left his polygamous marriage

The intricacies of this multi-wedded melodrama have been brought to the forefront as Mayeni reportedly chose to part ways with her polygamous husband, leaving observers intrigued about the state of this complex web of relationships.The intricacies of this multi-wedded melodrama have been brought to the forefront as Mayeni reportedly chose to part ways with her polygamous husband, leaving observers intrigued about the state of this complex web of relationships.This recent development comes on the heels of last year’s dramatic Uthando NeSthembu finale, where Mseleku attempted to address marital discord by calling a family meeting. However, what was intended as a peacekeeping effort transformed into a public airing of grievances.

During this memorable gathering, Musa revealed the brewing marital woes behind closed doors. He disclosed that when his wives were displeased, they employed a unique form of punishment by withholding certain β€œspousal privileges.”

Some even went to the extent of denying him food and retreating to their ancestral homes, an unusual sight for married women. Musa, frustrated by what he deemed unruly behavior, laid down the law, threatening to involve their respective families if his wives failed to mend their ways.