RIP|| “You failed to be there for her” look who catches steam after the death of a gospel giant.

A legendary writer and also artist has died. Deborah Fraser is well known for her hit song, “Hamba Sathane” amongst other hit songs. Mzansi puts the blame of Nathi Mthethwa for Deborah’s passing and also suffering because it is said that she was pleading with the minister for a social relief grant during the early stages of covid. But there was no avail.




However during those times Deborah Fraser tried by all means to share what she had with other artists because she had a farm as well as livestock.

Mzansi pleads with the minister, to not show up on the Giants funeral after he failed to assist her even when she begged for assistance. They further pleaded that the minister ensures that he stays home and respect the family. Also not even consider writing a condolences statement because they are going to grill him.

Deborah Fraser has been said to have died due to a short illness. It is also rumored that she was living on a wheelchair due to alleged Diabetes and then later passed on. Condolences have poured in from fans, friends as well as people who knew Deborah.